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Pharmacopoeia and history of Indian pharmacopoeia ๐Ÿ“’

Pharmacopoeia and history of Indian pharmacopoeia. ๐Ÿ“’๐Ÿ’Š

Pharmacopoeia is an official publication containing a list of medicinal drugs with their effects and directions for their use.


All countries  have their own pharmacopoeia,
Eg:- Indian pharmacopoeia (IP)        
       British pharmacopoeia (BP)
       US pharmacopoeia  (USP)

Pharmacopoeia is divided into three parts:-

1) General notices:- It contains the information of pharmaceutical progress since last edition. It summarizes the various changes/ addition/ deletion in the present edition.

2) Monograph:- Monograph is the main content of pharmacopoeia. Monograph is arranged into alphabetical order of the drug names. It gives the following information about the drug:-
1. Main title of drug/chemical
2. Synonyms
3. Chemical formula
4. Category (eg- antibacterial, diureticetc)
5. Dose quantities
6. Description
7. Standard  (std of purity & strength)
8. Solubility
9. Identification
10. Test of purity
11. Methods of assay
12. Storage

3) Appendices:- The general notices & Monograph are followed by comprehensive section of Appendices.

▪︎Appendices 1:- Describe the apparatus for pharmacopoeia testing.
▪︎ Appendices 3:- It contains details of various chemical test and assays.
▪︎ Appendices 5:- It contains physical tests.
▪︎ Appendices 6:- It contains useful directions for clearing glassware.
▪︎Appendices 7:-  Reagents and solutions in various assay, and their method of preparation.
▪︎ Appendices 9:-  It contains names and symbols used.
[NOTE- Appendices 2, 4 & 8 are not there.]

History of India pharmacopoeia๐Ÿ“’๐Ÿ’Š

•     In pre-independence days British Pharmacopoeia was utilized as the official book of standards in India before independence.

• The first Indian Pharmacopoeia started in the year 1944 under the chairmanship of Sir R. N. Chopra.

• The Indian Pharmacopoeia list was first published in the year 1946.

• The government of India constituted a permanent Indian Pharmacopoeia Committee in 1948 for the preparation of the Indian Pharmacopoeia and established a central Indian Pharmacopoeia Laboratory at Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh to keep it up to date.
• After independence, the first edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia (I.P) was published in the year 1955 under the chairmanship of Dr. B. N. Ghosh. Supplement for first edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia was published in the year 1960.

• After eleven years, under the chairmanship of Dr. B. Mukherji, the second edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia was released in 1966.
• Currently 2018 year edition of pharmacopoeia is used in India.

In previous notes we have covered History of India pharmacopoeia and the careers in pharmacy field. You can check it out by typing in your browser . Thank you, have a nice day,  new notes coming tomorrow on next topic of pharmaceutics. 


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