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Monophasic liquids


•Mixtures are liquid preparations intended for oral administration and composed dissolved or dispersed drug.
Definition ~ Pharmaceutical monophasic liquids (Solutions) are single phase liquid preparation composed of one or more pharmaceutically active ingredients dissolved in a solvent, that are intended to be used internally or externally. 

Solutions for internal use are either aques or hydroalcoholic, whereas, solutions for external use are aqueous or non-aqueous According to the route of administration, pharmaceutical solutions are of the following type

Advantages of Monophasic Liquids

1) Bioavailability of dissolved drug is rapid as compared to its insoluble form The dosage toms can be ranked in increasing order of bioavailability in the following order Capsules < Powders < Suspensions < Solutions.

2) The drug is more uniformly distributed in liquid vehide and provides high dosage accuracy than biophysics liquid.
3) Liquid preparations are easy to swallow and thus more useful for paediatric and geriatric patients

4) Carty of solutions facilitates visual observation.

5) Liquids provide safe means of administering iritant drugs. Unlike solid dosage forms, rapid mixing and dilution of liquids with gastric contents, avoid localised imitation of the imentary tract Liquids containing imitant drugs are easily diluted just before administration.

6) Solution is the only form in which an ingredient can readily be dispensed, eg. hydrogen peroxide solution and strong ammonia solution.

Disadvantages of Monophasic Liquids

1) Number of drugs are poorly soluble in commonly used solvent, water, and require special technique to solubilise them

2) Drug in soluble state is chemically less stable than its insoluble state. improved contact of soluble drug with the taste buds makes the preparation more unpleasant to taste than the dosage form containing insoluble drug.

3) Liquids are bulky to handle.

4) Though liquids allow more flexibility in dose, dose accuracy is determined by the accuracy in measuring the dose the dose.

Formulation of Monophasic liquid:-

a) Drug : Drug should be Soluble and stable in vehicle.

b) Vehicle :  Freshly boiled and cooled water, aromatic water, syrup, glycerin, propylene glycol, alcohol can be used for formulations.

c) pH controlling agents : Buffers based on carbonates, citrates, lactate, etc are included in formulation which resist any change in pH.

d) Antioxidants : Antioxidents suitable for  aqueous preparation include Sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite, hypophosphorous acid, ascorbic acid & citric acid.

e) Preservatives:  Benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, alcohol, chloroform, methyl paraben and propylene are commonly used preservative.

f) Colouring agents : Monophasic preparations are coloured containing soluble FD and C or D and C dyes.

9) Flavouring agents : Volatile oils, aromatic water, flavoured syrup  adds flavor to drug.

h) Sweetening agents : Sucrose syrup, invert syrup, sorbitol, glycerin, sodium saccharin, etc.

Monophasic liquid for internal use:-
1) Syrups

•Syrups are sweet, viscous, nearly saturated aqueous solutions of sucrose.
• Syrup IP contains 66.7 per cent w/v of sucrose.
• Syrup USP contains 85 per cent w/v (64.74w/w) of sucrose.
• Self-preservative activity of syrups is attributed to high their osmotic pressure and absence of water.
• It is not advised to prepare saturated syrups.
• Flavoured syrups are sweet and pleasantly flavoured used to impart better mouthfeel effect spirit, and orange peel tincture.
• Terpeneless forms of flavouring substances, such as lemon are choice of sources, of flavour in flavoure syrups.
• Artificial Syrups are sweet, viscous, non-sugars syrups in which the sweet taste is bui in to the viscous agent, using artificial sweeteners. Non-sugar syrups, made from polyols and cellulose, are useful in cases with of reduced glycogenic intake and zero glycogenic intake respectively.

2) Elixir

Elixirs are , clear, sweetened, flavored, hydro-alcoholic solutions intended for oral Use and are usually flavored to enhance their palatability.
•Need of elixir-
-Some drug are insoluble in water so in this case we can't use syrups & suspension.
-So we have to make a dosage form which could dissolve non polar compounds.
-Aid in masking the unpleasant taste of the active ingredients.
• Components of elixiers-
*Sweetening agents
* Water
* Propylene glycol

¤ Non medicated elixir
These are simple elixirs that do not contain medicated agents.

• Non medicated elixirs may be useful to the pharmacist in following ways:
The addition of a therapeutic agent to pleasant tasting vehicle Dilution of an existing medicated elixir.

These only contain
~sweetening agent
~coloring agent

¤ Medicated elixirs

• Medicated elixirs are a solution of the active ingredient dissolved in water and an alcohol often along with other excipients such as preservatives.

Monophasic liquid for external use:-

“Gargles are concentrated, clear solution used in the posterior region of mouth to prevent the throat infection."

1. Antiseptic/antibacterial.
2. Astringent
3. Relieve soreness in mild throat infection.

•Gargles are supplied in concentrated form.
•These are used after diluting with warm water.
•They are brought in intimate contact with the mucous membrane of the throat.
•Allowed to remain in contact with it for few second, before they thrown out of the mouth.



“Mouthwashes are concentrated, clear aqueous solution with a pleasant taste intended to clean and deodorise the mouth or buccal cavity."
1. Antiseptic/antibacterial.
2. Astringent.
3. Cooling, refreshing action.

•Mouthwash contain antibacterial agents, alcohol, glycerin, sweetening agent, flavouring agent and colouring agents.
•They are also used in oral mucous disease to treat mouth infections and to maintain oral hygiene.
• Mouthwashes are used after diluting with warm water.
•Mouthwash have cosmetic value more.

Throat Paint

"Throat Paints are solutions or dispersions of one or more active ingredients intended for application to the mucosa of the throat or mouth."

•Throat paints are viscous due to a high contact of glycerin, which being sticky, adhere to the affected site and prolong the action of the medicaments.
•Compound Iodine Paint (Mandl's Paint): used for pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Iodine throat paint is designed to kill germs. It can be used on sore throats and ulcers to ease them
•Crystal Violet Paint - used for thrush.

Ear Drops

"These are the solution used for instillation in to ear."
•The solution are prepared in water, glycerin, propylene glycol or alcohol.
•Vehicle like glycerin and propylene glycol are preferred as they increase contact time and soften the wax.
•Uses of Ear Drop
1. Antibacterial. 2. Softening the wax 3. Mild infections.
Example: Sodium bicarbonate ear drop.

Nasal Drops

•Nasal drops are aqueous preparations of drugs, intended for instillation into nostrils with the help of a dropper. They are generally used for their antiseptic, local analgesic or vasoconstriction properties.
•Nasal drops are generally formulated to resemble the nasal secrection. Hence nasal drops should be isotonic and slightly buffered, to maintain pH 5.5 - 7.5 .
•The viscosity of nasal drops should be similar to the viscosity of the nasal secretions. Therefore viscosity of nasal drops is adjusted with the help of thickening agents like methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
•For preparation of nasal drops, generally aqueous vehicles is used. oils are not preferred as vehicles, because oily drops inhibit the ciliary movement of the nasal mucosa and even causes lipoidal pneumonia (drops of oil enters the lungs).


• An enema is an introduction of fluid into the lower bowel through the rectum for the purpose of cleansing or to introduce medication or nourishment.

- To stimulate defecation & to treat constipation ex simple evacuant enema
• To administer medication ex sedative enema
•To soften hard faecal matter ex: oil enema • To protect and soothe the mucus membrane of intestine & to check diarrhoea ex : emollient enema
• To destroy intestinal parasites ex : anthelmintic enema.
• To relieve the gaseous distention ex carminitive.

• To clean the bowels prior to x-ray studies visualization of the bowel surgery on the bowel or delivery of a baby ex : saline enema
•To make diagnosis
ex : barium enema
• To establish regular bowel functions during a bowel training programme.
• To induce anesthesia
ex : anesthetic enema


Liquid or semi liquid preparations meant for application to the skin with friction or rubbing.
• Alcoholic or oily solutions or emulsions.
• Alcohol helps in penetration of medicament into the skin and also increases its counter irritant and rubefacient action. In oily liniments arachis oil is commonly use which spreads more easily on the skin.
• Use of soap may ease application.
Analgesics, rubefacient, soothing and counter irritant or stimulating properties.
• AN liniment should not be applied on broken skin as it may cause excess irritation.


Liquid preparations meant for external application without friction
•Applied to skin with absorbent.
• Local action as cooling, soothing or protective purpose.
Antiseptic action:- e.g. calamine lotion.
• Alcohol is sometimes included in aqueous lotions for its cooling and soothing.

Liquid dosage form



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