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13 most important liquid dosage form💊💉🧴

  LIQUID DOSAGE FORMS   Liquid dosage forms are essential pharmaceutical products which involves a mixture of active drug components and nondrug components (excipients). 1- ORAL SOLUTION > Oral solutions are clear Liquid preparations for oral use containing one or more active ingredients dissolved in a suitable vehicle. 2- ORAL EMULSION     Credit:-   Oral emulsions are stabilized oil-in-water dispersions, either or both phases of which may contain dissolved solids either oil is dispersed in finely divided form in water or vice versa. 3-ORAL SUSPENSIONm  Credit:- indianmart  > Biphasic liquid preparations for oral use containing one or more active ingredients suspended in a suitable vehicle. It sediment which is readily dispersed on shaking to give a uniform suspension which remains sufficiently stable to enable the correct dose to be delivered 4-SYRUP Credit:- It is a concentrated aqueous solution of a sugar, usually sucrose to which medicaments are added. F


  • Dosage form:- The means by which drug molecules are delivered to sites of action within the body.  (Dosageform= API+Exipients) •Drug (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient i.e. API):- The API is the part of any drug that produces its effects. •Excipients:- Excipients are inert ingredients & generally have no pharmacological effects. Eg:- binding material, dyes, preservative, coloring and flavoring agents, etc. • NEED OF DOSAGE FORMS:- 1. Provide safe and convenient delivery of accurate dosage. Example - Tablets, capsules, syrups. 2. Protection of a drug substances from atmospheric oxygen moisture. Example - Coated capsules, sealed ampules. 3. Protection of a drug substances from gastric acid after oral administration. Example - Enteric coated tablets Conceal bitter taste, or odor of a drug, Capsules, coated tablets, flavored syrups. 4. Provide liquid preparation of drug that insoluble or unstable in the desired vehicle. Example - Suspension 5. Provide liquid dosage f